Friday, May 29, 2009

Spring is in the Air

The warmer weather is finally here. Dogwoods, redbuds, and apples have bloomed and are letting us know that spring is here. I have seen some of the most beautiful dogwoods in bloom this year and have truly enjoyed them. I am also aware that many of you are already very busy planting and working in gardens and landscaping.
I do hope that the frost is finally over now, it got many of us that had plants out early. Of course, that is a risk you take in planting early here in the mountains. Frost damage can look like dieback, burnt tips, and leaf curl. Most plants that are in good soil and healthy can recover from damage like this, but young plants and new growth is especially susceptible to this kind of damange and it could prove fatal in the event that the damage is severe enough. Covering plants with plastic that is weighted to the ground, buckets, or large pots can help, also you can water the folage of plants very early before the fost "lays" on the plant to prevent damage. This is especially helpful when plants such as blueberries or strawberries are in bloom.
I also wanted to include this picture of a dogwood bloom that I saw on my farm. The small dogwood had the largest blooms that I have ever seen and it was loaded down with them.

Well, good wishes and happy gardens.


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